Lodge Brothers Legal Services decades of legal experience

There are specific times in every person’s life where they rely on the dependability and reliability of a business or service provider, to really step up to the plate and provide them with the absolute best possible advice, care, and experience. Our lives are punctuated with major events and ceremonies which we pass through as our lives progress. One of the most important ceremonies comes at the end of a person’s life when it comes time for our loved ones to usher in a new phase of their own lives, which excludes us.

When this time does come, at possibly one of the hardest roads that a family or person can travel along, it gives us a  sense of peace knowing that we have done everything that we possibly can do to make sure that the road that our loved ones have to travel, has been made easier through our foresight and planning for this time. Lodge Brothers Legal Services, has a strong and steady reputation within their communities, for being well liked and respected for their quality of service and their absolute attention to detail.

Lodge Brothers Legal Services has decades of legal experience and the desire to ensure that they offer services of ultimate quality to whoever may walk across their doorway. Offering assistance with Wills, probate and lasting powers of attorneys, their offering is a synergistic one. Lodge Brothers probate Weybridge has always provided a one-stop shop and the addition of these legal services is there to alleviate difficult times for families when times get tougher than one person can handle.

Lodge Brothers Legal Services has taken probate one step further by offering, for the first time, a service which is based on a once-off fee. This is because Lodge brothers feel that the times when lawyers get to charge on an hourly basis, is over and they would like to be accessible to everyone in a completely transparent way, with a completely affordable and stable fee structure for all, allowing more people access to their probate Shepperton services. So many people pass away without a Will or having prepared what the industry calls a DIY Will. Lodge Brothers Legal Services contemplates on how often these DIY Wills prove to be unsuccessful because of errors made on the will, such as not signing or witnessing the document. Asking a professional lawyer to assist you with this final life document, could make all the difference when it comes time for your passing. Having a properly drawn up Will, will ensure that your estate and probate is dealt with as you intended to see it be dealt with.

All of the fees for probate services which are on offer, are fixed, including fixed-fee probate services starting from £350 excluding VAT. Probate Feltham services are required in instances where there is a property which needs to be sold or ownership transferred to one or more individuals. Similarly when there are shares which need to be sold or transferred and always when there is one or more bank account to be closed. Lodge Brothers Legal Services are the experts you need to speak for you when you can no longer.

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