Lodge Brothers Funeral directors are the family that your family can trust and turn to when faced with the daunting and emotionally demanding task of arranging a funeral for your loved one. Lodge Brothers Funeral directors have been in the business for nearly 240 years, in the UK and you can expect the same original quality and level of service, in every aspect of the company’s services. Forward thinking Lodge Brothers can assist you with each and every aspect related to the passing of a loved one, from the moment your need arises, until the moment the coffin lid closes for the final time, you know you are in the hands of the best in the business.
Arranging a funeral is something that you hopefully do not have to experience too often in your life-time. But when the need arises, what better place to turn than to the family-orientated company which deals with funerals on a daily basis. The importance of the event can never be over-stated as this is the time that you have to process your grief and say your final goodbye. Not matter whether the passing of your loved one was sudden and unexpected, or if the passing was expected and brings a sense of relief, there is always a process of grieving that must be experienced in order to help with letting go and dealing with the loss experienced. Sometimes a funeral was not expected and the beloved may not have prepared sufficiently or at all, for the event. Sometimes there is a Will that has been prepared, but in some cases, the Will may be incorrectly completed, not witnessed or signed, meaning that a legal representative will need to get involved in assisting with the details of the probate.
Lodge Brothers team of funeral directors are ready to take over at a moment’s notice. In other instances, pre-paid funeral packages where the deceased has the opportunity to fully prepare all of the various details of the passing in much detail, with the assistance of Lodge Brothers funeral packages which are available to suit any pocket. Lodge Brothers’ pre-paid plans take into account the bespoke memorial package “wish list” of the deceased and are executed exactly to plan. This is an important aspect psychologically for many people who have specific desires for how and where they say their final goodbye to their loved ones. So often, people have a very specific vision for the end of days and preparing this ahead of time, on a pre-paid plan, gives them peace of mind knowing that they will have the send-off that they wish for, all the while, making sure that there is very little responsibility or decision-making to be done by their families. Lodge Brothers Funeral directors understand full-well the importance of saying goodbye your way while protecting clients against rising inflation-driven costs, related to having a funeral.
Modern floral tributes, memorials, and individual keepsake jewellery requests can be made in advance or at the time of the passing, for the convenience of the grieving family. Provide your loved one with the ultimate tribute to their life in a way that shows that their life made a difference in yours.